Always hilarious,to watch how those who shoot the least "think". Funny schit here!

Schit rifles,schit twist rates,schit contours,schit boolits,schit glass,schit mounts,schit bases,schit stocks and 2-shot "groups" have been well covered,if only obliviously...which is of course THE funniest part.

Now lemme letcha' in on a coupla UBER "secrets". The inside of the barrel matters farrrrrrrrr more than the outside. Boolits matter wayyyyyy more than headstamps. Practical portability and light done right,has NO equal. Balance/handling are paramount.

Coming full [bleep] circle,the Montucky 223 simply has no equal. UBER RE-Hint. I very much enjoy the Salvage Turd Polishing Parade,as that schit is always [bleep] funny,so thanks for that! If it cheers you gals up,I've suffered 14" 22-250's in 700's,77's,70's,Sako,Salvage and even a [bleep] Mouser. Now 30yrs ago,such approaches were plausible,beings everything was Ping Pong Ball BC
's and UKD. Mainly,it were the best a guy could do and it [bleep] sucked. Cheer up,I shot the dog [bleep] schit outta 22-250AI's,Swifts and several CHeetah's too,if only for more conversation and the hopes of drumming up more Imagination and Pretend from The Window Lickers.

Anywhoo...things have changed. We in da' bidness call that an UBER-understatement. Distances are now known and Ping Pong Balls should ONLY be found on Ping Pong Tables. UBER Re-Hint.

So I get it,that Turd Polishers will always swoon schit and try mightily to "justify" that schit,if only because it's the only [bleep] move they've got. Read that again and let it sink in. In fairness,I enjoy the convictions of that total lack of comprehension,frosted copiously with a total lack of trigger time,as an Extrogen fueled "Trump Card". FUNNY schit!

There are some rather positive correlations reliably arranged,with the fruition of schlepping a 6lb 1000yd+ capable rifle around daily. Especially one that is cheap to shoot(which promotes use),of minimal recoil(which promotes use),amazingly versatile(which promotes use),exceptionally well balanced/great handling(which promotes use),yada,yada,yada...the list goes on.

Give a thunk to the mounting system/glass and amazing things will reliably happen,as defaults. No thang to whistle through 500+ rounds a day and that actual use,conjoined with the inherent merit of the platform,will reliably slam doors shut upon Goat [bleep]. UBER Hint.

Now to be fair,I've only got 22-250's/AI's in 7,8,9,12 and 14" twist rates and in contours running from #2 to AMU,so it's easy for me to say,mainly because I've got it all. UBER Re-Hint.

There's a coupla of them,that are viable in a Niche Role,but none can match the handy/dandiness of an over the counter Montucky. Read that again.

My fluted #4 1-7.7" Krieger 23" 22-250AI with 75A-Max at 3450fps,is no slouch,but pales in versatility. If the wind is honking and a guy wishes to have a 224 Day,it's a purty solid way to roll. It has enough erector travel to reach past a mile,so a gent has some options. Hint.

2nd down from top.

That being said,a pard's Montucky Liljee length/contour dupe 1-8" 22-250AI,steals The Show as versatility goes and is bottom...with an OEM over da' counter Montucky 223 between 'em.

[Linked Image]

So it's VERY funny schit,to see folks trumpet schit handling/schit twisted rifles,if only because that's the only side of the equation they "know". It'd be akin to recommending a 5lb butter knife,as THE Utility Hunting Knife. Read that again. UBER laffin'!

Boolits rate a thunk,twist rates a thunk,COAL rates a thunk,balance/handling rates a thunk,mounting systems rate a thunk,glass rates a thunk and following through by actually using the parcel,also rates a thunk. Connecting dots is very easy Today and it's a riot to watch Window Lickers kick & scream in the refrain of same,then flaunt Dog Schit Goat [bleep] instead.

Joe Average sure the [bleep] ain't very bright and that's my being verrrrrrrrrry gracious.

UBER Hint.