Nine Years Among the Indians-Lehmann

I finished this about 6 weeks ago and meant to post a review sooner, which would have been better as it was fresh in my memory. It's the related accounts of Herman Lehmann's life, focusing mostly on his captivity and integration into Indian life. As a child, the Herman and his brother were captured by Apaches in Texas in 1870 frm the Lehmann homestead. His younger brother was able to escape due to circumstances but Herman remained captive and became an adopted member(part slave, part brave) of the tribe. He was with the Apaches for ~6 years IIRC and then fled them and was accepted into the Comanche tribe which he liked better because he was a slave/captive with the Apaches but was a full member of the tribe with the Comanche.

It's and easy read, and a bloody insight into plains Indian life. They were rough customers, to be sure. It's composed mostly of chronological stories about his capture and assimilation into Indian life, and then re-introduction into white society. Lots of accounts of finding food, fighting and raiding. Makes you appreciate being able to walk down the street or set up a home just out of town without reasonable fear of getting killed, raped, tortured and scalped.