I have had quite a bit of experience with one Spinone both in the field and as a trainer. Rocco belongs to a friend of mine and I get him for a waterfowl tune up after he has hunted upland for 2 months. Here's my opinion of 1 Spinone. Rocko is a 4 yr old and I have worked with him since he was 18 months he is huge 115 lbs, He has a great nose but I find him painfully slow in everything he does. He retrieves well from land and water BUT when the birds are dropping in to the deeks fast and furious the last thing I want in a retriever is one that makes all his retrieves with blistering glacial speed and that's Rocco. I have help steady him on point and again he does well but in Rocco time. He does have a great personality and id a big clown. Not my type of dog at all, you can always slow a dog down but it's hard to speed it up when they only have low gear.

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