So this old drunk comes home late, and drunk, again.
This time the wife is waiting up, robe, and slippers on, hair in curlers, rolling pin in hand.

She demands he tell her where he has been drinking, so she can go to the bar, and have him cut off.

Our inebriated subject, says with slurred lips, "I can't remember, but the whole place was solid gold, there is a gold curtain in the window, a gold rail at the bar, even the men's room had a gold toilet."
The he passed out stone cold, face down on the floor.

The wife starts calling every bar in town.
About the seventh one she asks, "Do you have a gold curtain in the window?"
Bar tender, "Yes."
Wife, "Do you have gold rail at the bar"?
Bar tender, "Yes lady."
Wife, "And, do you have a gold toilet in the men's room?"

The bar tender covers the phone, turn his head, and say's, "Hey Al, I think I've got a line on the guy that sh-,(defecated), in the tuba."

These premises insured by a Sheltie in Training ,--- and Cooey.o
"May the Good Lord take a likin' to you"