I hate MRE's. There are so many other things that taste better, are better for you, and way less chemicals. Only the convenience pack is worth grabbing, and only if it has Tabasco sauce.

I use protein bars, cliff bars, etc. combined with jerky dried fruit, tuna in foil bags, and Mountain House meals If going deep. I bring enough food for three days in my day pack. When leaving for longer, I carry enough meals for twice as long as planned. Freeze dried meals are light and way better than being hungry or rationing. I like the rice meals better than noodles for some reason. I've been considering making my own dehydrated meals in vac sealed envelopes but it would require time and ambition which are both at a premium lately.

“You never need fear a man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.”
Samuel Colt.

�Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.� - Ralph Waldo Emerson