Originally Posted by idahoguy101
Originally Posted by viking
The Frozen Chosin, ranks high in my book.

The First Marine Division commander, O.P. Smith, got the division out intact. Because he ignored the orders of X Corp commander Ned Almond. Had Smith followed the directives of General Almond and General McArthur the First Marines probably would have been destroyed by those twelve Chinese divisions. The Army's Regimental Combat Team at Chosin wasn't able to break out and was destroyed there by one Chinese division.

It is very likely that Hagaru-ri would have fallen had not the Army's RCT absorbed much of the blow intended for the first night battle at Hagaru. I'm not saying the Army's RCT was comparable to the 1st Marine Divison in all facets, because it wasn't. There is an excellent book out about the Army's role called "East of Chosin" that details their fight quite well. With just a little better leadership they might have been able to make the perimeter at Hagaru