I've had two clients have Texas CHLs suspended on bs charges so far this year. The first was arrested for assault after a co-worker neighbor claimed he pushed him, this was dismissed after multiple witnesses came forward saying he never came within 10 foot of the co-worker. The second was arrested for possession of controlled substance when the constable decided to frisk him for a routine traffic stop and found migraine medication in an unmarked container in his pocket. This was dismissed after producing pharmacy records and a letter from the dr showing they were prescribed. Neither of these guys had any criminal history (and at least one was a decorated veteran), but Rick Perry obviously thought it was a great idea to strip them of their rights without a trial when he signed an updated version of the CHL suspension law last summer. So its hard for me to have much sympathy for him. I think its more a case of "be careful what you ask for".

As far the criminal charges against Perry, DA Lemberg is a POS and needs to go. But the Local Government Code sets out a procedure to remove a DA in cases like hers, its hard to take Perry's claim that he was "standing up for the rule of law" seriously when he completely ignored and tried to short cut the mandated legal procedure. To me that's no different than when Obama tries to push stuff through by executive order instead of going through congress as the constitution requires.