"A Belgian man has been rushed to hospital after he was hit with 1,500 litres of water in what will probably be remembered as the world's most adventurous ice bucket challenge. The man persuaded a friend to use a fire-fighting airplane to drench him, according to the Local.

The weight [should be talking mass - ed.] 1,500 litres of water is 1,500 kilograms, a hefty punch even if it was only a small percentage of the total volume of water that hit him. He is now recovering at Girona hospital..." Breitbart

In a somewhat related story: "Ohio lawmakers want to limit the teaching of the scientific process" ars technica

What's the world coming to? "Nah, it won't hurt, the science teacher told us a falling body is weightless." No need to actually ponder the laws of motion, whatever they are. mad

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.