Originally Posted by Reloader7RM
Very true, but it can also cost you a "butt-load" of money to bring the levels up to par. As a rule of thumb, we've found that if the ground already has good weed growth prior to brush hogging, it will grow wheat or oats with ease. For example our best plots by far are the ones planted in areas where weeds grow very thick and high throughout the summer. In the areas where the weeds and grass are thin or short, fertilize is needed, but wheat and oats will grow.

Good points, all. I get my soil samples for free and knowing where and what to place where saves time and money YMMV, though.

The costs benefit of pouring money and effort (continually) into a poor place is little more than good after bad. Can't make chicken salad outta chicken schittt, especially if you're in it for the long haul.

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What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.