I guess you missed the part "some folks claim.* I've heard many argue that gas handling was the main reason for C rings and thumb cuts and post patent drawings of gas coming out a thumb cut, but it's a fact that the Oberndorf Mauser factory produced C ring sporters WITHOUT the thumb cut! So much for that theory trying to be represented as fact. I think it's very possible Mr. Mauser himself abandoned that theory realizing the magazine was best place to dump the gas.

A lot of the things the man tried were just trial and error. That's why there are so many variants. He may have abandoned the C ring concept himself had he lived longer. There are many valid points to both sides of that argument. Truth be known he may have seen it as a duel benifit. Trying to get in the head of a 177 year old man and call others out on pure speculation is nothing more than mental gymnastics and a waste of time.

Some claim it was for strength
Some claim it was for gas handling.

I have, use, like and feel very comfortable using both. That said, I'm glad my 100+year old case hardened models are C ring.