Originally Posted by SamOlson
Originally Posted by MadMooner
I love grass fed beef as well. Definitely different, but tasty in its own right!

Sammo- That steak looks GREAT! You sell beeves to the common man?

MM, we always end up butchering something that isn't 'fit' for the sales ring. Current beef had a bad hoof(froze when born) and walked with limp. Of course the meat is fine but they'd steal him at market.

He did get barley cake last winter and is fairly marbled(a little too much IMO), not finished on 100% grass. Kept him with a bull and an old cow we were babying through winter so he got fat.

Pretty much standard practice for anyone raising beef to butcher the oddball critter. We have a couple more steers that also have a little hitch in their get-a-long, start making room in your freezer....grin

We don't use any hormones/steroids/weird growth chit and very little antibiotics. The usual vaccinations is about it.

There is actual a little premium paid by the buyers for 'organic' calves but we can't call ours 'organic'.

As for foreign beef I have no idea how strict Argentina is on their cattle/processing. It's bad enough here in the states with canner cows, can't imagine they are any 'cleaner' and probably a lot worse when it comes to the overall quality of the product.

Of course I am biased, maybe they only butcher healthy animals and give the old cancer eyes to the dogs......yeah right. Guessing the USDA is way tighter on regulating that any South American country.

Yep. No parasites in those free range Argentine critters. They're the best.

There are no pastures in NA......