16, I prefer to hunt fall turkey.. For calling breaking up the flock is very important.. The few times I have done it, they have been easy to call.. I prefer to hunt turkey like other big game.. That is how we did it years ago before the introduction of the spring seasons..

I used binocs, and do lots of glassing and I prefer a rifle.. From what I know of Mich. it is not possible to rifle hunt turkey.. Also, I just traveled though the U.P. this Aug.. Beautiful country, but I am at a loss to see how much is hunted in those swamps and heavy cover.. Sure is a challenge..

When I was a kid, my neighbor was one of the few successful turkey hunters.. He did just was I described, he would walk along glassing, and looking for signs of turkey feeding, toward evening or early in the morning, he would watch those feed areas.. He would shoot a bird if he got close enough with his shotgun, but he preferred to break up the flock and scatter the birds.. Usually, by running at them and firing a couple shots to scatter them..(maybe not the safest thing, but that is what he did..) Then he would hide, wait a bit, and begin to call.. Usually, he could bring a bird within range of his shotgun.. At times he used his .222, but in that country, and most of the heavy cover, a shotgun was pure murder..

Molon Labe