Originally Posted by ndhunterman
I am using dual dovetails, been twisted into place exactly once. It has to be the scope; the past 3 years it has shot 1" groups, the weekend before, it was shooting 1" groups. This weekend it was shooting 1" groups.... Until the phantom click.

Definitely sounds like the scope. Luepold will make it right. I've had excellent service the few times I've used them-- recently on a (newer model) Redfield Revolution that I bought used and abused. They still fixed it for the price of me shipping it to them.

By the way, DDs are darn good rings and bases. I just like seeing Stick's responses to others who may know a thing or two about rifles and scopes-- maybe even as much or more than he does. whistle


Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson