I miss not being able to get raw milk straight from the cow, my Uncle has been departed for 40 years and his son, my cousin dose not keep milk cows, keeps beef cows thou, up till a few months back I drank a lot of milk and I would rather have a glass of cold milk or chocolate than any of the sodas, but I have to watch my carb intake, due to Diabetes, I got good control on things and I am loosing weight, but I can drink a quart or two of milk in a sitting like I did! I had milk with my breakfast this morning and well nothing like a tall glass of cold milk to get you going in the morning! its good for you, my mom said if you want to keep your teeth drink milk, she was right,and I have all of mine!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov