Originally Posted by 66niteowl
Don't want to get to fancy, kinda like the RRA midlength , are there any brands to stay away from?

That's a lot like saying, "I want a car, maybe a Camry. Are there any bad car brands out there?" Only car manufacturers are less likely to give you a lemon than one of the dozens of fly-by-night AR builders that have sprung up recently. And comparing a RRA to a Camry is probably a little insulting to the fine folks at Toyota.

At the top right of your screen there's a "Page" button that lets you sort through all of the previous gagillion threads just like this one. If you'll read them they'll answer nearly any basic "which AR" question you could have and prepare you to ask more specific questions to narrow your search.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling