Chris, I have done a lot of extensive searching for information about Savage Arms at the 1904 World's Fair and have ran across that picture you had a link to several times - always the same with the same poor quality. I have been hoping at least to find a better quality version of that picture if there nothing else, but if something better exists it has proven to be very elusive.

I wish you luck because I would like to see a more a detail picture myself - the engraved Expert grade Model 1903 was supposed to have been introduced there.

I found a reference to a book written about the 1904 Worlds Fair and a copy actually showed up in a local auction a couple years ago giving me a chance to look through it - nothing about Savage Arms or the shooting galleries that were to have use Savage 1903's exclusively. (You may have guessed my reason for researching this subject has to do with the model 1903's).
