Here in Alvin I gave up trying on my own.
I got a guy that comes every 12-16 months and does ~3.5 acres inside my fence.

Absolutely no commercial grade treatment worked long enough to bother.

He first sprays then comes back in 2 weeks and puts down a granular mix.

$2,400.00 a pop. No ants, no spiders, no 'skeeters, no snakes, no mice NADA.

Before using this guy the crazy ants took out over $5k in electronics in 3 months.

Wifey, a cancer survivor, got bit by fire ants over 75 times at once. That was a rough 2 weeks for her.

I stepped out of my truck last week at my lease Before i could get to the camper I was bitten over 20 times.

Propane brush burner and 5 gals of unleaded was my revenge.