Originally Posted by antlers aka Queen of the Fire

You're not kickin' anything or anybody, and you're not stompin' anything or anybody. And trying to justify you throwing insults at somebody's wife on this forum is par for the course for the crap that you spew. You project your obvious hatred as if it's a virtue. You embody more hate than just about anyone here on this forum...on par with Muslim extremists and radical feminists. That's striking company rte. laffin'

So now the most prolific promoter of homosexuality on the Fire puts forth her two cents.LMAO.

You go girl.

PS: Unfortunately you're too stupid to realize that my post was meant to be metaphorical and not literal.

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.
