I borrowed as many brands and models of electronic earmuffs before buying - and I wore them at the range for a long time each.

For me, by far the most comfortable were the Peltor Tactical 7 model. I can wear it for 6 hours at a time and it is still comfortable (I wear glasses, and many muffs pinch the arms so much that one hour is max for most).

I don't know if Peltor still makes that model, but mine are at least 7 years old and continue to function very well in spite of quite heavy use.

They give a VERY good stereo image -- you can tell exactly where a noise is coming from. Some muffs blocked gunshots well, but when somebody shouted me name, I had to look around to find them. No so with the Peltor.

Their only possible downside is that they don't look waterproof (so I don't wear them in the rain to be on the safe side).

By the way, Peltor is a pretty dominant name in industrial hearing protection, and they have all the certifications to show they make a good product. Also, they are big company -- a friend was able to get replacement earpads for a 15 to 18-year old Peltor muff with no problem. Something to consider perhaps.
