No empirical data here. Don't really have time to look things up right now for hard numbers. Just another personal experience.

Had the good fortune of knowing our former governor in passing. Good lady. Good businesswoman. Ran the government and budget process like a business. Looks like money will be short next year, better cut back some now.

Torqued off all the bleeding heart liberals of course. But her budgeting kept our state in great financial position.

BS wins and states that the previous governor was full of crap worthless and he was going to totally revamp the state government because the previous guv was incompetent, etc.

Leaves the budget pretty much alone. The first year, state's in good shape and a-hole BS is walking around, chest puffed out bloviating about what a great financial manager he is. All the while, the credit goes to the previous governor who had done the hard work of setting a budget and keeping it in place to restrain government spending.

Dave Skinner covered a number of issues far better than I could of.

Suffice to say, BS is a snake in the grass.

Montana MOFO