Thought a thread on this might be worthwhile.

I'm a relatively new guy. Only hunted one WT deer in Ontario so far; started a couple years ago.

Would like to build up big game hunting skills more than anything else and learn techniques from others who have being doing this a while. Like many who are starting I don't really have any hunting mentors. No dads or uncles before me to teach me what to do; mostly learning from google and forums.

I decided it was best for me to do guided or semi-guided hunts as I learned my way through.

Hunt #1 was semi guided for WT deer in WMU 47
Hunt #2 in a few weeks will be guided Pronghorn in Wyoming

What other big game hunts would you recommend for guys like me; won't break the bank to bad, good chance of getting game to stay interested, not completely grueling so I'd want to continue doing it year after year.

Ideally I'd like hunts that I can learn spot and stalk rather than in a blind over bait. I do hunt in a tree blind and ground blind on my own property for WT deer so I have that covered.

Where would I go for a spot and stalk western type hunt for deer for example - WT or mule without breaking the bank too much and having a good chance of success?

Hawaii is another location I am thinking of. Was just there on vacation and relatively inexpensive hunts can be had for Hawaiian black sheep and goats and even axis deer. Day or two day hunts mostly. Seems one could put together a very economical hunt there even after air fare is considered.

One of the other thoughts I've considered is going to Africa for a cull hunt of some sort.

P.S. Oh yeah. One of my criteria is that the game actually has to be edible and enjoyable. Once I was looking at an Aoudad hunt (does not meet the non grueling category though) and then learned that the meat was practically inedible. My personal ethics require that I consume the meat from an animal I hunt which means I must enjoy it.