Originally Posted by RWE
Originally Posted by Steelhead
As I said, I believe both sides are being played. DOJ is pandering to the blacks in hopes of making them 'happy' and give them the 'moral' victory; whilst knowing all along what way this will turn out.

The beauty is they pander to the protest element, while keeping them riled up enough to promulgate more stuff for them to protest.

Its a dumbphuckitude feeding frenzy.

It's because there is no leadership in our leadership. Oft times they appear subversive but it's mostly ineptitude.

They (liberals in leadership positions, not to be confused with leaders) only know how do everything to not offend the minority, that drives them more than laws and what is right.

We can't win wars against ISIS, just as we can't keep thugs under control by always trying to appease, but that's what they know. Again, because they are leaderless. A bunch of empty suites in leadership positions that aren't leaders, only appeasers.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"