Wrong hurricane, but anyway the hotel and convention center site is directly on The Gulf of Mexico. It is no more "environmentally sensitive" than surrounding developments. I don't agree with building on this site, not because of "environmental issues" but because it is high risk.

Should it be rebuilt somewhere? Yes. Should BP pay for it? Hell yes.

Bp is liable for damage to the Alabama State Park system. The Gulf State Park was a pristine maritime forest, which also serves as a rookery, not to mention a major eco-tourisim attraction nestled on the Gulf of Mexico. Excess revenue from this park helps support parks throughout the state.
BP put a halt to all of that and should be held accountable. It should be up to the state park system to spend the money on improvements to the system as a whole.
The convention center is a drop in the bucket when you look at the overall picture from here.

But the bottom line is the environmentalists are to self absorbed to realize the convention center is actually good for the environment throughout the entire state.

Bama Rick