Never could get the big fellow out in the clear for a shot. BIL's pig was odd, though. He was a boar, about 135 pounds or so. I took the backstraps off then turned him over to start on the hams. I noticed that his groin looked swollen, and when I cut along the line inside his left rear leg, there was a hole in the abdomen. His innards he leaked into has abdomen. Needless to say, it was all totally infected. This pig had peritonitis and didn't even know it!

Oddly, he had no external injuries. At first I thought he was gutshot, but there were no external wounds. The only thing I can figure is that he was injured in a fight with another boar. Anyone have any other ideas?

"An archer sees how far he can be from a target and still hit it, a bowhunter sees how close he can get before he shoots." It is certainly easy to use that same line of thinking with firearms. -- Unknown