Originally Posted by SBTCO
Originally Posted by ingwe
If oil topped out at $147....lets say gas topped out at $4

Oil is at $80 now...54% of its high.

Gas is at, lets say $3....75% of its high.

I think maybe we are still getting 'lubed' by the oil companies.....

Lets not forget that "gas" is the bi-product of the toxic refuse that comes out the back end of the cracking process. Big oil makes hundreds of $'s off each barrel of oil from a whole host of petroleum products long before they get to the gasoline.

No, actually gasoline is one of the first groups of hydrocarbons that come out of the refining process. The heavier ends is where the variety comes from.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.