I don't think rifles come with a soul, they earn that by going over the river and back...if you come across a rifle that has so many nicks and scratches on the outside it looks like it's been dragged behind a truck and the bluing is worn thin, but it's obviously been kept clean and oiled and in good working rig...then that rifle used to be somebody's baby, and it's probably taken more game than 99% of those fancy ones on the shelf with it.(as much as I love my CZ-452, it's got a long way to go before it catches my beat up old 10/22 in the game department)

Rifles with "soul" are the ones that you hold onto for no real good reason, they'll be the last ones to go when it comes down too it...whether it makes any sense or not.

Mauser Rescue Society
Founder, President, and Chairman

I don't always shoot Mausers, but when I do...I prefer VZ-24s.

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