Have encountered what easily could have been this type of situation before!

Apon calling the fish and game I was told under no circumstances was I to shoot the cougar I was having trouble with never mind I have a three year old daughter who often played in the back yard.

It was at this point that I was reaffirmed that not only the cougar but often times government is a liable threat. I wondered how it could be that I was requested to ignore the immediate threat to my child?

Would any reasonable responsible adult ignore the threat.

Nope, I had no choice but to exercise my authority given by God himself which superceded mans law in the event that I need to remove an imminent deadly threat to either myself or a family member to whom I am responsible for the safety of......such as a three year old little girl who cannot fend for herself.


If you ever choose to exercise your God given rights by no means tell the authorities because they are a Godless bunch and do not recognize Gods authority over there own and for this the heathens will pay whatever is owed to God himself.


Last edited by Shodd; 11/18/14.

The 6.5 Swede, Before Gay Was Ok