wtjx: Who built the fire under those Seahawks?
I mean it.
WHO built the fire under those Seahawks?
They came out smokin mad and intense like I had not seen since last years world championship season!
Maybe the Seahawks got wind of your idiotic statements wtjx?
Anyway whoever and however that fire got built under the Seahawks I wish they would bottle that up so they can use it to influence the hoardes of lazy and lackidasical "urban youths" who are sucking our society dry!
I mean some of'em might even go out and look for jobs if treated with whatever the Seahawks got a dose of!
I am still in shock at the two different teams (the Seahawks that showed up this Sunday and TROUNCED the "best team in the N.F.L." and the Seahawks that lost to the lowly Kansas City Chiefs last Sunday)!
Maybe there is hope for the Seahawks yet this season?
I know there is NO hope for wtjx.
Hold into the wind