Originally Posted by Seafire
I had the pleasure of being around a lot of the Campfire members that showed up at the Quemado GetTogether this past August...

Ken couldn't make it out, but a lot of us went into town to visit him...

What a wonderful couple of days it was to be down there with ALL the people I got to meet...for the first time or once again after attending the GetTogether at Roosevelt Lake in Arizona previously...

I tell ya, I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to spend a weekend that I was around more of very generous down to earth people than I have experienced at the Campfire GetTogethers I have had the pleasure and opportunity to attend...

2 days and 1200 miles down there, but it sure was well worth the trip...

And he had to put us with me the whole trip. Makes you feel sorry for poor John.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!