JWP, the good ones all look to be to be in the $18-19k range. And I guess you generally get what you pay for, hopefully!

Griz, kinda what I was thinking but.....

Dennis, I have seen a few aluminum trailers and wouldn't even consider one for a second. One that comes to mind was a brand new trailer a cattle buyer had used for less than a month.

The rear door hinges(4 or 5) had been factory welded and they were all cracked.

Tarkio, most of our trips are 90 miles out and 90 back, roughly 50/50 highway and gravel. That's why I thought a lighter trailer would be handy.

It's just the off road use once we get to the pastures that has me concerned. Some washouts and nasty chit to drag across.

At least it's only 2-4 horses on the really rough stuff. Not like we'd be pulling a fully loaded trailer.