If your just looking for impute on caliber that should do it.

I think there are a lot of things to take into consideration when looking for a coyote gun.

1. Hunting style, calling or targets of opportunity.

2. Terrain, open grasslands, timber or heavy sage/manzanitas/greasewood.

3. Saving fur, if your just going out to kill coyotes I wouldn't rule out on of the 6mm's

I save fur and hunt a lot of different terrain(usually four or five states a year). I like to call/hunt tighter cover so my perfect coyote gun would be a 16x16x5.6x50R Mag. drilling set up with a 1x4x20mm scope, seeing as I can't afford one I shoot a 12gax5.6x50R Mag combo w/1x4x20 scope and this season I'll be trying out a 16x16x6.5x58R Sauer with the same scope. These cover everything from my shoelaces to 300yrds.

For a little more open country I like a rifle like a Rem Model 7 Predator in 22-250 with a high quality 1.5x6x40mm scope. I used a set up like this this summer to hunt open country in central WA and shot two coyotes at 20 yards. I've been using similar set up rifles for about 10 yrs and find them very effective for most of my coyote hunting.

After the first shot the rest are just noise.

Make mine a Minaska

Heaven has walls and rules, H-ll has open borders