normally i have never done anything with military gear other than preserve what is there. I varied once. When the russian capture k98's were coming into country, i got one originally made in the 30's. It had been "dipped" with that horrible russian park on the metal, some russian numbers cut into a sanded area on thea buttstock, and whatever crud they used to seal the wood. By rights it should have been left as it was, as it reflected it's history. The part that got me was the "blood rust" on top of the reciever, very distinctive when you see it, where some poor guy had leaked all over it. I refinished the wood taking the russian stuff out and putting what the germans had originally used back on, and got rid of the russian "dip" park, and got rid of the pits/corrosion from the blood. When restored, it looked pretty much "as issued." Shot it one time, and put it away. I like to think the guy who had that rifle a long time ago approved of what i had done.