The Ferguson riots have absolutely NOTHING to do with Michael Brown. That was the excuse used by Al Charlatan and the other race-mongering poverty pimps of the People's Socialist Party (AKA the democrats) to prove they still pull the strings on the black community.

They failed to turn out the black vote for the 2014 mid-term elections, which made them look weak, as if their influence might be slipping. And they know the democrat party will not nominate another candidate "of color" for POTUS until Halley's comet returns. So they staged the civil unrest in Ferguson to make certain that whatever lily-white eastern socialist gets the democrat party's nod in 2016 will be reminded who controls the black block vote. Still.

Alle Fähigkeit ist vergeblich, wenn ein Engel in Ihrem Notenloch uriniert
-- old German proverb