Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
CCCC, I see that you've been practicing your apologetic else where, and learning new tricks. Claiming that God cannot be defined is one of those tricks, because once he's defined, he's easy to disprove. This is just one more of those infinite regressions of apologetic. It used to be that God(s) was (were) on the mountains, then in the clouds, then in space, now God is outside space and time....and cannot even be defined. The apologist have been moving the goal posts for thousands of years, and now you are running out of room to move them.

So, what is your evidence for this undefinable being that exists outside of space and time? If you cannot even define what it is, or where it is, how can you offer any evidence for it's existence?

Sniper, I wish I were young enough to learn some new tricks, and sure am not practicing anything at all - except a musical instrument or two. You are DEAD WRONG - I offer no apology for anything connected with God - would not even try. Therefore, no infinite regression involved. That must be a mind game for you.

Maybe you thought God was "in the mountains", "in the clouds", "in space" - whatever floats your boat - but I have never even suggested a specific location. I believe He is everywhere - wherever He wishes to be. Describe that location for me, eh? How does one "run out" of everywhere? Infinity is mysterious.

You are a fool if you think I ever have offered any evidence for God's existence, and you are a liar if you say that I have. God defines Himself and provides His evidence through His relationships with those who choose to join with Him. It may hurt you in a critical place to realize that God cannot be defined by humans - even a very special human like you. It may hurt even more that your inability to define Him - to put Him in your special box - has zero to do with His existence. He will be the Almighty regardless of your abilities.

If you would like some relief (or even diversion) from trying to tell Christians what they should, or can, or cannot, or must do and what/how they should be able to believe - and some relief from struggling to disprove Something that cannot be disproven - and some relief from trying to define the indefineable - try looking into and understanding the dynamics of faith.

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