This deer was shot on 6 Dec about 8:30 AM. Same deer had come in about 15 minutes earlier and was spooked as I reached to turn on the camera. There was 2 smaller bucks under and around the feeder when this 10 pointer came back in. I let the deer get broadside and took the shot. Deer took off in all directions at the sound of the shot.

I waited as the deer disappeared over the ridge and after a short time found my bolt. Not a whole lot of blood on bolt but was covered through the fletchings. Picked up blood right away, small 1/4 inch drops then about 10" circles of blood every 25 yards or so. Tracked the buck some 80-100 yards to the edge of a field where blood trail ended. Searched for a couple of hours, no luck.

Came home and reviewed the video and frame by frame I saw where the broadhead hit and just knew even though it appeared a little low it should have hit the heart.

I went back out to the field about noon,zigzag searching for another 2 hours,nothing. no more blood or deer. I thought for sure it was a dead deer that I could not find.

Fast forward to the next Friday and I checked my game cam pictures and lo and behold this same buck appears after dark 3 nights in a row under the feeder. Clean hole through both sides as if nothing happened. Funny part is now this 10 pointer is a five pointer missing both brow tines and 3 tines on his left beam. Before you ask will I shoot him again if I see him? No
