Originally Posted by RockyRaab
I always thought of it as Breast Appreciation Month. Seems more fitting somehow - and that's a serious comment.

It's true about prostate/testicular cancer killing more men than breast cancer kills women. It's also true that out of sight is out of mind. Women who display breasts are popular; men who display genitals are arrested.

In the last 3 years my father has been diagnosed and beat prostate cancer and in the last 3 months my wife has been diagnosed and beat breast cancer. Having witnessed both of them go thru the process first hand I can tell you there is no comparison, and my wife doesn't even have to have chemo. The bilateral mastectomy is simply a brutal surgery and makes my fathers "seed" treatment for prostate cancer seem like a walk in the park in comparison. And my wife still has two surgeries to go related to reconstruction.

I don't know of we are doing enough for awareness of the male issues but I can say for sure that as much that is being done around breast cancer, more should be done

In either case, make your wives get mammograms even if insurance won't pay for it. And men shouldn't avoid the doctor or cancer screening either