Sorry but I think it's chickenshit for a game warden to harass a guy with a punched tag, in an open season, packing out game. Poachers shoot [bleep] from the road. Hunters work hard for game, last thing they should be doing is writing chickenshit tickets to hard working guys that play by the rules.
Maybe I don't get it because nobody in my circle thinks like an outlaw. Same with transporting game across state lines. Like they're busting some giant criminal organization when they nail some Joe driving home from his Wyoming antelope hunting vacation. They know what they're looking at, they're just hitting the guys they have the best chance of extracting money out of. Pure BS in my opinion.

Cops should fight some real crime, like meth addicts that habitually burglarize homes, and leave us the hell alone.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack