Most airlines have cheaper rates if purchased at least 30 days in advance. You can go to someplace like travelocity, I think it is, and see what they prices are. OR, I have just checked the airlines themselves. Last year, went to RSA and took the grandson. Paid $3,200 R/T for the two of us, from DC to Joburg. Used to be places like Gracey, have used them, got their fee from the airline, so didn't cost you anything more, but last time I checked, the airlines not paying them, so a fee on top. Also, depends if you go with a non-refundable bargain rate of full rate. There's no reason to pay full rate, unless you have more money that you need, as seems to be at least twice as much. There are only really two airlines flying from USA directly to RSA, Delta and SAA. You can fly directly from DC to joburg, with a stop in Dakar, or fly to Atlanta with a stop there, and fly directly to joburg with no stops on the way. I understand Delta now has bigger seats/or more leg room. Also Dakar right on the hump in Africa which is where Nigeria and such are, which means closer to the Ebola area. I personally, having done it once, would never fly though Europe again. NO gun issues flying from USA direct, but have read where some at times if going through Europe. Research "cheap airline fares" and it will come up with a number of places to look. Last year I bought our tickets about a month ahead of time.

NOTE: non-refundable bargain rate doesn't mean you can't change thetravel dates, just a fee to do so, and tickets are good for , I think, 2 years if something come up.

Last edited by ghost; 12/29/14.
