I tried picking up fly fishing a number of years ago. Learned some basics, how to cast (barely) and went out a handful of times over a couple years. I maybe landed a few fish total from all the hits I ever got. Haven't picked up or cast a fly rod in the last couple years

This past weekend, a couple good friends were hitting the Big Horn and invited me to go along. I quickly went out and upgraded my 5wt reel and scrounged around for a used pair of waders. Luckily I inspected the waders closely and found a few suspect spots and a couple that were definitely holes. Got those fixed the night before and headed out Saturday morning.

These 2 guys fish the Bighorn regularly so they know the river fairly well. It was a great trip for me. The 2 experienced guys really slayed them, catching 30-40 per day. I felt really good landing 6 or 7 the first day and 8 - 10 the second day. These guys helped me out when I needed it and taught me a lot in a couple days.

Weather was cold and it turned bad each evening with cold and wind, but it was a tremendous experience. I've lived about 70 miles from this river for nearly 15 years and I've met people from all over the world that travel here specifically to fish it. And I've always felt a little guilty not taking advantage of this opportunity. Now, I know it won't be that long before I make it back again.

Montana MOFO