Sunday afternoon the 18th,
Back to the guest houst at noon for a quick lunch then skinning and quartering and getting meat into the cooler. Than around 2:30 we headed back out to the stands, me and Bill in the same places and Rick and Neil decide to try a couple food plots down in the river bottom. I decided I was not going to shoot a doe that evening, two days left to hunt and I had done enough skinning for one day. So I settled into the shooting house and the first visitors I had were three tom turkeys.
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Then about an hour before dark a few does on the South end of the field.
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With about 10 minutes of light left the does all became alert and looked past my blind to the North. I looked out the front window to see what got their attention. Pigs!
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Two boars, a sow and 4 little ones. The nearest boar was only 35 yards away so he was my first target. Another DRT behind the ear. As the others broke for the far woods line I lined up on the nose of the back one and touched off another round. Another bang flop, this one on the sow. I lined up on one piglet but only got a click as I had not reloaded my clip after shooting the buck that morning. WOW! What a day. I went from never killing a pig to taking 3 and a buck in one day. We left them in the field over night as Rick had shot a doe and needed to get her taken care of.
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Took some pictures in good light the next morning.
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