Originally Posted by ingwe
Just not posting much. Had the flu last week, and got tired and disgusted with some of the drama here. Heading your way in a week! Tell the pigs that I'm coming, and hell is coming with me! laugh

Glad to know you're on the green side of the sod.

I hope we have good weather while you're here. This past Friday some of us were at camp setting up for our parish men's outing on Saturday. The wind was whipping out of the north at about 25 mph, and with the temp at about 62 degrees and damp, the windchill was flat cold. Even the pigs stayed in bed! Glad you're over the flu, though. This time of year the yankees still wage war on us by bringing down their northern bugs. sick

"An archer sees how far he can be from a target and still hit it, a bowhunter sees how close he can get before he shoots." It is certainly easy to use that same line of thinking with firearms. -- Unknown