Where we deer and elk hunt, it has definitely been mostly due to the lion population. Kept telling the local DPW guys we were seeing lots of very large loin tracks in the area. They didn't believe me. Pard took pic of huge track with 7mm RM round in it that looked small. They looked a little closer. Then a local rancher and his outfitter showed up with one that covered the entire hood of his truck. Now they have a clue and the local outfitters are after them. Killed several over the last 5-6 years. Problem is, new loins keep migrating into our area. They need to get serious about the loins in North and Middle parks and the adjacent areas. We also see many fewer rabbits and other small game.

I also suspect some cyclical disease has hit the herd. Not CWD, but some other more common cyclical event. Similar to the blue tongue that hit NE several years ago. We saw a few more deer out there last turkey spring than we had in the last 5 or so years. Landowners say the population there is recovering slowly. Suspect it will be the same here.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
Henry Ford

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?