The 48" target is now in a permanent location with 100+ yard range. Compression required to stop the arrows is a mere 1" and that was only to support the stack and prevent it from falling, it would actually stop arrows easily with no compression. Currently getting 9" of penetration. Original penetration when on the rolling frame and several inches of compression was 7". The properties of this carpet (whatever they are, I am no expert) really hold an arrow. Removal is not too bad but you can't do it with two fingers, you have to fist it. Overall I am very satisfied.

The rolling frame was converted to a carpet size of 32"Wx36"Hx14"D. This carpet is a lot lighter in weight. The uncompressed stack measured 42" and it was compressed 6" down to 36". Arrows just peep out of the back. Over time I may have to compress more firm. The properties of this carpet are totally different from the carpet in the large target. One stops arrows with little compression and the other requires a significant amount of compression. Removal is about the same as the larger target. The rolling target is light and practical to move around.

Duct Tape sticks really well and makes an excellent aiming point. Heck, on the big target, the color matches the winter brown grass. The tape almost looks like its floating.

Time to add a few 3D targets.

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