For what it's worth, I have found quite a few Ruger rings shipped as cast. The interior surface of the rings is not a good mate for the scope. I had to lap them to get any kind of decent contact. I had a couple of scope slip [forward] on two different 77s in 270.

I have tried a multitude of gripping substances for the scope tube. I have settled on Gorilla glue; a little goes a long ways, it never slips and it doesn't ruin anything-can be cleaned up.

Torquing an action may pay dividends with respect to repeatability but I have had good luck with just snugging the scope screws up to where they are about right from experience. I have a T15 torque wrench that is preset by Warn. It only works on T15 fasteners though. Never had a scope slip simply because I didn't get it tight enough.

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Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.