Originally Posted by Daveman
My daughter, who has been shooting with me for many of her 23 years, is ready for her first defensive handgun. It will be kept in her apartment and her car, and she will likely not carry concealed. I'm leaning towards a revolver, due to its simplicity in a high-stress situation, and giving serious thought to the Ruger LCR in .38. She shoots well in double action mode, so the trigger squeeze of a revolver would not be an issue. Thoughts?

You might want to check your state laws as i believe if she doesn't have a CCW she'll have to keep it unloaded and in the truck of her car (where it won't do her any good) unless she wants to risk a felony should she get pulled over and searched.
Here in Michigan, even if you follow the law and have it in a case, out of reach, and ammo separate, you'd better be on your way hunting, to a range, to a smith, or on your way home from the previously mentioned places!

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns! (from a 1960's bumper sticker)