Spring is springing up all around us. For many in the really cold northern areas it is still a few weeks or months away. Either way now is the time to get out your gear, do a little spring cleaning and do some shooting. I always take the time in spring to check my contacts on my body, check to make sure I have the latest firmware installed, test all the batteries, you know maintenance. Probably one thing you should also do is take advantage of Tamron’s Spring Rebates with Camera Land! Seriously though, if you need to get any gear to replace aging or worn gear, give Joel or Mark a call and let them know you are a member of the Campfire.

Spring is my favorite time to pull out a variety of lenses and do some shooting. Wildlife will be giving birth to new ones, flowers will be popping up and the trees will be greening out soon. It is the one time of the year that I seem to be constantly changing the lens on the front of my camera because there are so many subjects to shoot out there. With all the target rich areas it is a great time to practice technique as well. Using a tripod for long exposures, reducing glare on foliage with a Circular Polarizer, steadying the image with VC (Vibration Compensation) or with a cable release on the tripod.

My favorite thing about spring is it just allows me to get back outside and enjoy the world around us. Capturing it on digital film is the bonus.

All the below images were made using Tamron Lenses.

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Great photography is not about being in the right place at the right time, it is about putting yourself in the right place at the right time.