I agree that the four holes are probably a good idea due to the light weight / thin receiver.

I've owned four X-Bolts and looking into buying a fifth (the new Western Hunter model). They are nice and light and point like a quick-handling shotgun.

They have all shot extremely well. Far better than my previously owned Winchesters and Remingtons. I'd say none of them ever shot over 1 MOA - give or take a fraction - right out of the box with nearly any decent ammo. With loads they really like, they are .5-.75 MOA rifles.

I have never had any issues whatsoever with them. Never experienced any of the frozen triggers and such that others seem to have. I hunt in some fairly terrible weather at times, too. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Alaska and Canada have all seen my X-Bolt rifles.

I'd not hesitate in buying an X-Bolt, although I do feel their pricing might be just a bit higher than it should be. But, everything is getting more expensive these days.