Originally Posted by gitem_12
Yaaawwwnnnn. The guy didn't even get a friggin ticket, and you all are bitching about an azz chewing. Big fuggin deal

I thought I saw him hand him a ticket?

I don't know if I have used up my quota of being called a dick weasel this week but if I may...

Why the language? How many people would be allowed to behave in such a manner at their place of employment?

Why slam the door?

Why let passengers come away thinking poorly of you?

Is it wrong to ask someone to act like a professional?

I don't care if the guy worked at a pest control job, there's no reason to act like that, no matter who who are.

Say, did I word this delicately enough to avoid the dick weasel thingy?

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson