Here's a letter to an editor who parrots the common lie that the purpose of guns is to kill people: He says,
Cars, are not designed to kill people, and when used properly, do not cause people to die. The sole and express purpose of many guns is to cause people to die. Someone who can't see the difference seems unfit to drive or to own a gun.

Could it be that when guns are used properly they are just like cars? The vast majority of guns ever produced did not cause anyone to die. In fact, more people die because of cars than because of guns. If the purpose of guns is to cause people to die, why are more gun owners not in jail for murder? Could it really be that the purpose of guns is to cause people to live? When a good guy with a gun encounters an aggressive bad guy with a gun, often both end up living. Where if the good guy didn't have a gun, he'd be dead.

If "The sole and express purpose of many guns is to cause people to die," but the vast majority of guns are never used for that purpose, then how could that be the sole and express purpose?


"I was a deerhunter long before I was a man." ~Gene Wensel's Come November (2000)
"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user." ~Theodore Roosevelt