DWG, All three of my pre-64s are fwts. While I like the standard rifles just fine, it's hard to beat the handling of the 22", slightly lighter fwts. They tend to raise and point as naturally as any rifle I've ever held. As far as price, I believe you did just fine. That's give or take a couple of bucks what I paid for two of mine and I definitely would not sell them for that. I'll be 60 yrs. old this Nov. and have owned lots of guns thru the years, but these things are in a class by themselves. Also, even if this is the only one you're going to own (unlikely:) I'd strongly suggest getting a copy of "The Rifleman's Rifle" by Roger Rule. Paperback copies are available at Amazon and elsewhere for $90-$100 and worth every penny of it. It's everything and more you'll ever want to know about the guns from a technical standpoint and the COMPLETE history of Mod. 70s. When you get the rifle post us some photos of it, if possible. We never tire of checking them out.